March 29, 2021 | Week 29 in the field | Torrington, CT | Goshen Ward

mega packed week are you ready? k set. gooooooo!!!!!!!! This week we went ice skating and played soccer as a district and it was awesome! and then we had a zone training and we had to prepare it on walking with Christ and how we can rely on him more. We got a referral from a Hungarian woman and she wants both her sons to learn the gospel and be baptized and so that was fresh strawberries, and we met one of them and hes super cool! He has interesting ideas about the bible tho but his moms like "but hes going to be baptized" end of conversation haha but theyre sweet. Then it finally got warmer and the sun was out! we have a deck and one of the day i went out on the deck and just played some guitar and lemme tell you golden moment. I got to go down to my church in Goshen which was an hour away and as we were getting close the fog came in! It was so dense and made everything feel like i was in a spooky movie. then we took some pictures with an angry alpaca in fog, evidence belo...