July19, 2021 | Week 45 in the field | Groton, CT | Ward | Elder Ferrell
Hey again everyone! had a fun couple of weeks but maybe the hardest of my mission haha
Story time
So i woke up with this things that looked like mosquitoes bites last week and didn't think too much about it but the next day more appeared and the ones from the previous had gotten worse! We we basically went ham with all of insect killer had and washed a ton of stuff in the apartment but still they kept getting worse and spreading into tons of bumpy rash stuff so eventually i went to get it checked out and it wasnt even bugs, it was poison ivy so the doc gave me some drugs and now im doin a lot better:))) moral of the story um dont give up!
We've been able to have tons of in person visits this week and thats been awesome! We also decided we wanted to go and do our work at the beach couple nights ago since we were close. We eventually found a free spot but DANG it was terribly awkward trying to parallel park in it. Then we just called people and stuff at the beach, ya know like the typical guys in white shirts at the beach do.
We also found someone on facebook this week! We just messaging random people and she answered us and we ended up having a prayer call with her and setting up a time to meet with her in a park and talk about Jesus!! Have a great week everyone
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