August 30, 2021 | Week 51 in the field | Pawcatuck, CT | Ward | Elder Ferrell

Hola. Pretty fresh week, we got to go on all day exchanges with the zone lords cause imma district leader and i went to their spanish area and it was actually pretty awesome! They had a ward party and of course the spanish ward always gets those spanish jams jammin. Didnt understand everything everyone said but it was still a party and a half! We got sunflowers from the farm we serve at and me and Elder Farrell made bomb cracked pepper sunflower seeds haha and we also tried to make this amazing honey that only had butter, cinnamon and honey. So we tried caramelizing the butter and that was definitely on the right track but we still have a little experimenting to do. Anyways we also started teaching this person from a media referral which was super cool shes also basically golden! And earlier in the week we got the chance to give a blessing to a 97 woman, she was a riot and super funny. oh and one more thing we peer pressured a bunch of elders to eat worms, so that basically...