August 9, 2021 | Week 48 in the field | Groton, CT | Ward | Elder Ferrell

 whats jiggin' my chickenss this week was pretty sick, both ways. we had a bunch of member visits and got to eat with some members too. Some of the kids in one of our visits kept challenging my physical abilities so of course i had to set the record straight with some contests like racing around the house, handstand holds and cartwheels. we also had a tree fall on our house and they had to cut the power and stuff, real interesting. 

miracle moment 
i was having a rough day, getting overwhelmed and stuff and we were out walking to someplace and this random guy came up to us from the other side of the street and we were able to talk with about Christ and we said a prayer with him and gave him a card with the address to the church on it! He was homeless but him coming over to talk to us was definitely a tender mercy and showed me that God has my back
Love Elder Hassell


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