Feburary 7 , 2022 | Week 74 in the field | Lynnfield, MS | Ward | Elder Burrell
yoooooo this week was a pretty nice week. we got a lot of snow and ice and freezing rain and sleet and me and my comp still ran everyday!!! We also found a lot more people this week and have been having a great time teaching all of our friends! we went to this one place in our area today that sells a 420 burger and at 4:20 it becomes only $4.20 and its absolutely massive with a bunch of random stuff on it. i got to meet one of our golden friends at church and shes literally a full foot taller than me so that was interesting but shes the nicest human you will ever meet! but we do have another friend whos heart is harder than a rock :( but we still have hope for him! So PRAY FOR RICK
love yall
elder hassell
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