May 30, 2022 | Week 90 in the field | Norwich, CT | Norwich Ward | Elder Francois

greetings *fancy text* past couple weeks have been so amazing and incredible and ive learned so much! we had a mission tour with a general authority last week and it was incredibly inspiring. we have also seen a ton of miracles over the course of these past weeks. we were out knocking doors that we had in our records and this lady answered and we asked for the person but she said she didnt live here and asked who we were and we told her we were missionaries and she stepped outside and asked if we could just talk to her! turns out her brother who was pretty religious had just past and she was wanting to just turn more towards God. she also said she would come to church and everything:) we also found this other person that was was taught by missionaries in the past that we called up and she has been super prepared over the time we werent in contact. I also caught a rainbow trout and saw a turtle:)) yours truly *fancy text* elder hassell