May 16, 2022 | Week 88 in the field | Norwich, CT | Norwich Ward | Elder Francois
Hey everyone thanks for tuning into another email! pretty good week this week we had some cool miracles and we did some cool stuff! So story time, last year when i was hear in Norwich we did service on a community farm. We had recently started going there with other Elders as well and there was a lady there who would tell us the things we needed to do. So anyways fast forward a year and were back and this week we went to that same farm! and the lady was also still there and when we had started coming she was a rough person who was kinda grumpy and didnt smile much. BUT when while we were there this last week i noticed how much happier and light she seemed, and she was smiling a lot more! Of course there could be many reasons but i think her being around multiple missionaries multiple times a week has brought her some light and joy. We also randomly found a less active family and they gave us some of the fish they caught:)
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